



Department of Anatomy and Histology

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The Department of Anatomy and Histology is one of the oldest and a leading department for preclinical subjects to provide quality education and a need-based research program under the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. The courses of this department provide the opportunity to learn about Gross-anatomy, Histology, Embryology, Avian Anatomy, Comparative and Neuro-anatomy at the undergraduate level. The understanding of form and structure of living organisms at the gross and microscopic level are the core focuses of this department. The teaching involves lecture and practical sessions, the latter including the dissection of animals and birds, demonstration of formalin-fixed samples and studies of histological sections under the programme. In undergraduate level, total course credit is 15 (Anatomy-6, Histology and Embryology-6, Avian Anatomy-1, Comparative and Neuro-anatomy-1 and Surgical Anatomy-1) and total marks are 750. For the undergraduate student, the distribution of different courses is Gross-anatomy-I (GRA-101) and Histology and Embryology-I (HEM-101) in 1st-year 1st semester and Gross-anatomy-II (GRA-102), Histology and Embryology-II (HEM-102), and Avian anatomy (AVA-102) in 1st-year 2nd semester. Comparative and Neuro-anatomy (CAN-201) in 2nd-year 1st semester and Surgical Anatomy (SUA-302) in 3rd-year 2nd semester. This department also offers Masters and PhD in Anatomy. In higher studies, the students get opportunities to advance their knowledge in the discipline of Anatomy, Histology, Cell Biology, Molecular biology and Neuroanatomy.  In this department, we have established an excellent Anatomy museum, with the view of education and research for both students and teachers. Apart from teaching and research, faculties of this department also engaged with public and extension services and other extracurricular activities. The department is located on the ground floor of Yusuf Chowdhury Bhaban.        


Dr. Mohi Uddin
Professor and Head
Department of Anatomy and Histology

Welcome to the web page of the Department of the Anatomy and Histology at Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FVM). We are delighted to see you exploring our web site and considering us one of the organizations you may join. By scrolling around, you should be able to learn about our exciting undergraduate and graduate programs, our dynamic faculty and staff and our leading-edge facilities and research. We are located in the beautiful Chittagong city in the south-east of Bangladesh. As one of the best departments in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, we are continuous innovation and excellence in teaching, research and services to communities. We graduated students who worked and hold key positions in the country and around the globe. We produced research results that are nationally and internationally recognized. We hire top researchers, attract the best graduate students and develop world-class facilities. We have an excellent Anatomy museum, using for education and research and also for recreation. We collaborate with other universities, and centres of excellence through the basic and applied research programs and contracts.  In summary, we are passionate and committed to the education of Anatomy and Histology, to research, and to the community and our objectives are embodied in the following goals of the university - to provide superb education in a student-oriented university, to be a centre of excellence in research and scholarship, and to reach out to the community and the professions.


  • To be a world-class Department committed to integrated, interdisciplinary teaching and research in basic and applied Anatomy geared towards health care needs for the animal kingdom


  • A centre of learning and scholarship, preparing students for academic pursuits, veterinary professional training, enhanced personal lives and responsible global citizenship; extending frontiers of knowledge through relevant interdisciplinary research; fostering an intellectual culture that bridges basic science and clinical practice; contributing to the enhancement of health for the animal kingdom


  • To impart a strong conceptual and relevant factual grounding to undergraduate students taking the anatomy course  
  • To strive for excellence in the anatomy teaching programmes 
  • To achieve international recognition for research
  • To create an intellectually vibrant environment within the department
  • To foster a strong sense of belonging among staff and past and present students 

Core Values

  • Leadership 
  • Professionalism
  • Discipline 
  • Integrity
  • Care for staff and students





Md. Bayazid Hasan Dhali
Senior Technical Officer


Foij Ahmed
Senior Office Asst. Cum-Computer Typist (Upper Grade)

Md. Ala Uddin
Senior Lab Attendant

M. A. Tarek Aziz
Senior Office Sahayak


Address : Ground floor of Yosuf Chowdhury Bhaban, Chattogram, Khulshi campus
Email :

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