The Department of Genetics and Animal Breeding has started its journey through the establishment of Chittagong Government Veterinary College (CGVC) in 1995. After the upgraded and converted of CGVC into Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (CVASU) in 6 August 2006 by the act (CVASU-30) of the Peoples Republic in Bangladesh the department become an important department under the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. The Department offers different courses at undergraduate (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine) and Postgraduate level (MS and PhD). Along with teaching activities, faculties of this department also engaged with research, consultancy and disease diagnosis and other extracurricular activities. This department has the strong commitment to excellence in teaching, research and extension activities. The research and extension activities are performed by conducting short-term research programme for MS students in Animal Breeding and Genetics and long-term research projects sponsored by national and international organizations.
The vision of the department is to offer world-class teaching and research activities by encouraging the students to work hard with joy and vitality. We have confidence that our graduate and post-graduate students can take the leading responsibilities in genetic improvement and welfare of the animal in the communities.
Departmental Teaching
This Department offers 3 courses (07 credit hour) at undergraduate (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine) level. These courses are Animal Genetics, Animal Breeding and Animal Biotechnology for the student of DVM 2nd, 3rd and 4th year. The department provides MS (1.5years, thesis based) degree in Animal Breeding and Genetics. At present there are 05 students has enrolled in the MS programme under the department.
Description of Laboratories
There are two laboratories in this department which are as follows:
1. Animal Genetics Laboratory
2. Animal Breeding and Biotechnology Laboratory
Animal Genetics Laboratory
This laboratory is located at west side of 3rd floor of Academic building-01 of CVASU where undergraduate and postgraduate practical classes are taken place. This laboratory facilitated hands on practices of cell division, drosophila genetic, culture media, karyotyping etc. In addition there are some fixed slides on genetic study. This laboratory possesses different equipments and devices including deep freezer, multimedia projectors, slide projector, CCTV camera fitted with microscope, binocular and photo microscope etc.
Animal Breeding and Biotechnology Laboratory
This laboratory is located at east side of 3rd floor of Academic building-01 of CVASU where undergraduate and postgraduate practical classes are taken place. This laboratory is well equipped and postgraduate students usual practical classes. It possesses horizontal and vertical electrophoresis set, liquid nitrogen cane, centrifuge machine, refrigerator, Incubator, artificial vagina set, artificial insemination set, equipment for multiple ovulation and embryo transfer, multimedia projector, slide projector, electronic balance, binocular microscope etc.
Dr. Tahmina Bilkis
Professor and Head
Dr. Md. Kabirul Islam Khan
Dr. Gous Miah
Dr. Omar Faruk Miazi
Dr. Ashutosh Das
Dr. Md. Moksedul Momin
Associate Professor
Ayesha Akter
Senior Office Asst. Cum-Computer Typist (Upper Grade)
Subrata Debnath
Senior Office Sahayak