



Directorate of Veterinary Clinics

Message from Director
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Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (CVASU) is the first Veterinary and Animal Sciences University in Bangladesh which was established based on Veterinary Science. Veterinary science is the branch of Medical science that deals with the health, production and well-beings of animals other than human medical science. CVASU has been offering 5 years long Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) degree including one year internship programme. For a student to fulfill the requirement of DVM degree, practical knowledge based on Veterinary Clinics and field level exposure is imperative to obtain as like as human medical science to obtain MBBS degree.

A Medical College must need well equipped hospital for clinical training of their students and also offers health care services for the people. As such the CVASU has established a teaching veterinary hospital (SAQTVH) to offer public services and to get practical exposures by undergraduate (DMV) and post graduate (MS, MPhil, PhD) students and researchers and on veterinary clinical and extension services. It is operated under the Directorate of SAQTVH and with the support of clinical departments specially Department of Medicine and Surgery (DMS), FVM, CVASU.

Farmers and farming communities; poultry, pet and zoo animal owners are getting clinical services round the year from the SAQTVH, especially rural and urban people of Chittagong city and the farmers of surroundings Upazillas. Besides these, many referral cases are handled at the SAQTVH from the other parts of the Bangladesh for special treatment. Moreover, as a part of extension service, a Mobile / Satellite Veterinary Service (MVS / SVS) have been operated by SAQTVH for teaching the students in the different outdoor stations since 2000. This type of service is still functioning in two different satellite centers: Mojjairtak, Sikolabaha and Kattoli, Chittagong City Corporation

SAQTVH has also been offering herd health services for the local dairy farmers of urban and peri – urban areas of Chittagong City. This service has been especially designed and operated by the Population Medicine Team of DMS with scheduled visit once in a month. This herd health programme covers the health management, calf management, fertility management and finally taught the farmers about benefit of cost analysis of farm. All efforts of veterinary clinical services and extension motivation work of CVASU are done for the well – being of the farming community. Like many other professional institutes, CVASU also believes in providing the best service possible for the local community and hope to bring about more qualitative and quantitative changes in clinical teaching, research and provide better clinical services taking with the continuous support and encouragement from the clients in future.


•  Provides modern diagnostic facility

•  Always engaged by students  - 

(a) Undergraduate (3rd Year to Intern) for Day-1 Skill
(b) Post Graduate (MS and PhD)

 •  Emergency veterinary service by Ambulatory Veterinary Clinics

 •  Satellite Clinics

•   Community – based clinics

 •  Data management and storage through Epidemiology Unit

•   Revenue to CVASU


 •  Twenty four (24) hours hospital

 •  Intensive for Duty Doctors and Staff

•  Critical care unit

 •  Animal blood transfusion unit

 •  Animal care unit (Dog, cat)

 •  Emergency unit

 •  Animal shelter unit

 •  Ophthalmic unit

 •  Orthopaedic unit

 •  Dermatology unit

 •  Pharmacy (Dispensary and drug storage room)

 •  Poultry post – mortem room 

 •  Door – to – door service

 •  Online registration

 •  Free service for poor people (Fund to be needed)

 •  Internship placement for international students including accomodation facilities

 •  Residency

 •  Canteen+/ Food Cort +/KFC, BFC,  

1. Background/ History of TVH

The SAQTVH is an unique veterinary  hospital at Chattogram as well as Bangladesh which is well equipped  and most of the doctors are trained at Madras Veterinary College ( TANUVAS) .  The patients are referred from different parts of Bangladesh and specialized services were provided by expert doctors. The activities of SAQTVH was started from  5th July, 2002 which was inaugurated by Morhum Alhaz Md. Yousuf Chowdhury  (Chairman of “ Daily Purbokon” newspaper  and also the Chairman of CVASU implementation committee). It was run by the Department of Medicine and Surgery. After one year of SAQTVH establishment, mobile or satellite veterinary clinics was started for door to door large animal veterinary services. In 2007 new administration was started  for SAQTVH and appointed Director of Clinics and joined 30/04/2007. Nominal registration fees for veterinary services was started at 01/08/2009 and it was revised at 01/02/2014.

Aims of SAQTVH

•   Professional development through teaching and research

•   Public services


 •  To produce a quality and competitive veterinarian

 •  To provide a better veterinary service in Bangladesh

 •  To support a quality clinical research

2. Appointment/ client or visitor information (6)/Referring Veterinarians

After entry the hospital premises through the main gate or pocket gate, the owner will register the patient  by selective registration fees  in the registration room and collect the payment slip and registration card (  orange card for small animal and blue card for farm animal). The owner then submit the   registration card in the respective unit staff  and wait until calling our name. The unit doctor will examine and analyze the patient and then give the treatment. For confirmative diagnosis, the doctor will give some relevant laboratory test and imaging examination.  For each test and examination,  the owner will pay selective fees.  In addition for surgical cases, the owner will pay selective surgical fees and some cases the owner will buy some materials from outside medical shop.

Working Hour of SAQTVH

Sunday- Thursday: 9.00 AM- 5.00PM

Saturday- 9.00AM- 2.00 PM

Government / National holiday: Closed

Lunch hour: 1.0pm to 2.0pm

Future Plan: Open for 24 hours weekly 7 days  

3. Our Units

Total- 8 Units

• Large Animal Unit

• Small Animal Unit

• Poultry and Avian Unit

• Obs. and Gynae Unit

• Surgery Unit

• Clinical lab. (Diagnosis) Unit

• Consultancy Unit

• Satellite and Ambulatory Unit


Farm Animal Unit (FAU) has been providing veterinary services to University animals and other local clients for a number of years. This unit provides specialized services to cattle, sheep, goat, horse, pig and occasional zoo/wild animals. FAU aim to provide the highest level of veterinary services to the farm animals throughout the Chattogram and neighboring districts and to achieve this through a growing team of dedicated farm animal vets.This unit also aim to promote a whole farm approach to animal health, production and welfare.


In this unit a range of companion animals including dog, cat, birds, rabbit, and turtles are treated by a specialized group of pet animal veterinarians. The strength of the unit the abundant clinical material and technical expertise. The unit has pioneered and standardized many clinical procedures that remains unconquered in the entire country. In PAU post-mortems of poultry birds from farm and household sources are regularly performed by specialized vets. Regular vaccination of pets are take place in the non-infectious zone of PAU.

Theriogenology Unit

Diagnosis and quality treatment of andrological, gynecological and obstetrical problems in cattle, sheep, goat, dog, cat etc. A committed group of qualified veterinarians works here to provide utmost quality service. Common cases treated in this unit are dystocia, uterine torsion, uterine prolapse, endometritis, metritis, under developed genitalia, repeat breeders, retained fetal membranes etc. A unique special service, Artificial Insemination in goats are performed in this unit.

Surgery Unit

Well-equipped operation theatre is available for both farm and pet animals. A range of surgery are regularly carry out in this unit by a devoted group of qualified surgeons. Various surgeries in farm and pet animals are executed with the gaseous anesthesia. All the modern instruments are installed in the units operation theatre like vital sign monitor, C-arm, electric cauterizer, ventilator etc.Common cases in treated at this unit are ruminal impaction, traumatic pericarditis, abomasal impaction, diaphragmatic hernia, intussusception, caecal dilatation, squamous cell carcinoma of eye and horn, castration, spaying, fractures, and congenital disorders etc.

Ambulatory Service

The hospital is equipped with Mobile Veterinary Clinic and ambulance to cater the needs of animal owners of various parts of the city. It Offers treatment two days / week by Satellite Unit in Chittagong City and its surrounding Upazillas. Additionally ambulatory service includes-

  • Treatment of emergency medical issues
  • Herd disease outbreak investigations
  • Herd health planning to help improve animal health and efficiency.

4. Our Doctors and Specialist

Medicine Specialist :

Prof. Dr. Md. Rayhan Faruque

Prof. Dr. Md. Mizanur Rahman

Prof. Dr. Yousuf Elahi Chowdhury

Prof. Dr. Pankaj Chakrabarty

Dr. Md. Ahaduzzaman

DR. Sharmin Akter

DR. Sazeda Akter

DR. Pranab Paul

Surgery Specialist :

Prof. Dr. Bibek Chandra Sutradhar

Prof. Dr. Bhajan Chandra Das

Dr. Monoar Syeed Pallab

DR. Tuli Dey

Theriogenology Specialist :

Prof. Dr. Azizunnesa

DR. Md. Anowar Parvez

DR. Tanjila Hasan

Epidemiology Specialist 

Prof. Dr. Md. Ahasanul Hoque

5. Specialty and Services

Existing services provided by SAQTVH

• All kinds of infectious and non-infectious diseases treatment

• Vaccination

• Deworming

• Pregnancy diagnosis

• All Kinds of soft tissue major and minor surgery 

• Special orthopedic and ophthalmic surgery

• Fluid therapy and Blood transfusion

• Mobile ambulatory service

• All kind of post-mortem service

•  Lab. Diagnostic service ( Fecal exam., Blood and serum analysis, Rumen fluid analysis, skin scraping test, Mastitis test etc.)

•  Euthanasia service

• Health care service

• Consultancy service

Special diagnostic and imaging services

•  C-arm

• CR

• X-ray

• US

• Vital sings monitor

• Endoscopy

Future additional services plan

• In-patient service both small and large

• Physiotherapy

•  Laparoscopic surgery

• Rehabilitation

• Emergency and critical care patient unit

• Thoracic surgery

• Phaco surgery

• Cryo surgery

• Kidney dialysis

• Kidney  transplantation

• CT scan


6. Pharmacy service 

7. Ambulatory service

• Chittagong is densely dairy zones  

• We are giving all kinds of free veterinary services 2 days in a week

• Places- Sikolbaha and Kaktoli

• In addition, mobile ambulatory car is always ready for any vet. Services in surrounding to Chittagong

8. Clinical Study

9. Education and research

10. Clinical human resource development

11. International students training and externship

12. Clinical activities at a glance

Existing Strength of SAQTVH  

• Director-1

• VS-1

• DMS staffs- 7

• Lab. Technician- 1

• Compounder-1

• Dresser-2

• Lab. Attendant-3

• Computer operator-1

• MLSS-1

Scope of Clinical Services


Large diversity of clinical services like

 •  Domestic animals- Cattle, Buffalo, sheep, goat, horse

 •  Pet animals- dog, cat, parrot, Moyna, rabbit, Chicken, Geese, Duck Pigeon, Turkey, Turtle

 •  Wild animals- Deer, Monkey, Elephant, Mongoose, Owl, Vulture, Kite etc.

 •  Safari Park and Zoo animal- Tiger, Bear, Hippo, Wild-e-beast, Wild fishing cat, Snake etc.

 •  Horse in BMA 

 •  Post-mortem experience- above mentioned most of the animals 

 Hands on practice of diversified species at SAQTVH

Large/ Farm animals

Other activities of SAQTVH


  • Arrange vaccination programme 
  • Attend livestock fair
  • Arranged 1st international orthopaedic training,2013 with help of DMS ( MVC, India) 
  • Internship placement provider from other university like BAU, SAU, RU,PSTU 
  • Provide practical demonstration of the student of youth development department, Chittagong
  • Arrange herd health programme 
  • Arranged 1st Clinical Award,2015  for profession development in DVM  final year students
  • Arranged international Theriogenology training programme  with the help of DMS ( MVC, India; Washington State University, USA ) 
  • Support clinical research

    Yearly Case load according to species and financial report of TVH

13. List of directors of the directorate

Sl. No





DR. Md. Rayhan Faruque




Prof. Dr. A. K. M. Saifuddin




Dr. Bhajan Chandra Das




Prof. Dr. Md. Rayhan Faruque




Prof. Dr. Bhajan Chandra Das




Prof. Dr.Md. Rayhan Faruque


Till Date

14. Donation

A contribution from you, no matter the amount, will make a big difference in the life of a sick, injured or abused animal. There are a variety of ways by which donations or gifts can be made.  Importantly, we can ensure your gift or donation is used in the way you wish.

If you would like to speak to someone about your gift please contact


SAQ Teaching Veterinary Hospital, Clinical Building

Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Khulshi-4225



15. Notice

Please check this site for any updated new regarding the SAQTVH.

16. Published clinical articles


Dr. Bhajan Chandra Das
Professor and Director
Directorate of Veterinary Clinics


It’s my pleasure to welcome all of you for visiting the Shahedul Alam Quadery Teaching Veterinary Hospital (SAQTVH). This is the largest hospital (Four Storied) among all veterinary school in Bangladesh. We are caring about animals which include cattle, goats, sheep, poultry (Chicken, pigeon, duck), dog, cat, rabbit,  ornamental birds (Myna, parrot, love birds, cockatiel, etc.), and wild animal (Snake, deer, elephant, star type tortoise, etc.) also. Our diagnostic facilities are modernized both in Medicine, Surgery and Gynaecology Units. Epidemiology Unit is doing for Hospital data recording and management. I would like to give big thanks to the Faculty members and staff of Medicine and Surgery Department and SAQTVH for providing their full efforts on SAQTVH. Students should always be learned their professional skills from this hospital.

Thanks Da

Director (Veterinary Clinics)


Dr. Bhajan Chandra Das
Professor and Director


Estiaq Ahmed
Senior Office Asst. Cum-Computer Typist (Upper Grade)

Satya Prasad Chakma
Senior Veterinary Compounder

Md. Kamal Uddin
Security Guard

Md. Kamrul Hasan
Security Guard