This research-based 2nd outreach campus of Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (CVASU) is located near the Doriyanagor seabeach, Cox’s Bazar. The total area of this campus is around 6 acres with a natural flowing spring running alongside the boundary of this campus. This campus was started in December 2015 when the Government provided this land to the university authority to run practical research on the Bay of Bengal, Coastal Biodiversity, and Marine Fisheries. Till then, the construction work to convert this hilly site towards a modern well-furnished research station was started and running at full speed. Along with the development activities here, there have been many other activities running simultaneously such as the Internship program of Final year students of CVASU and Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT), MS students research work, different research projects of the Faculties.
Among the facilities of this research station, we have the accommodation facility for the intern students from CVASU and UMT who stay in this station during their month-long internship program and get hands-on training from different govt. and private organization of Cox’s Bazar such as Shrimp Hatchery, Crab Farm, Fish Farm, Fish Hatchery, Feed Mill, BFRI, DoF, Landing Center, etc as all of those organization is very near from this research institute. During the internship of final year students, they get the opportunity to stay here and learn the field level activities of Fisheries, Fisherman, and Fish Farmers which help to boost their practical knowledge and field-level work experience and make them a competent graduate of Fisheries. There is a very good facility of both freshwater and saline water supply in this institute as the Bay of Bengal is very near to this campus and we also have an infinite source of natural freshwater source. There is a supreme geographical facility of this institute as the presence of nearly 32 ppt salinity of the ocean water from the Doriyanogor beach site and this much salinity is very essential to run breeding of saline water marine species such as Seabass and Mud Crab which is the prime target of this research institute. To run this type of breeding program and other related research activities, the saline water collection facility from the Bay of Bengal is being developed.
One of the major facilities of this institute that is being developed is the saline water and freshwater fish hatchery. This facility will help to run intensive breeding related research on commercially important saline water species such as seabass and crab which is the prime need of our commercial fish farmer. Moreover, due to the recent focus on the utilization of the blue economy by the govt. of the people republic of Bangladesh, this research institute will play the leading role in marine research and to explore the unexplored bioresources from the Bay of Bengal. If things run smoothly like now, hopefully, this research station will be able to develop the breeding technique of Seabass and mud Crab within the next two years by the joint collaboration of CVASU and Malaysian scientists.
There have been several research projects which have already been completed, running, and will be started very soon in this research station. Among the running research projects, some of the work is focused on the following title-
Among the research projects which are already complete and the works were done in this station includes-
There are multiple proposed research projects which will start very soon and the most research work will be performed in this research station having the following titles-
The ultimate goal of this research station is to focus on our marine bioresources, more specifically to develop the breeding and culture technique of commercially important fish and shellfishes. Along with this, the station will provide all kinds of facilities for the intern, Master’s, and Ph.D. students to run their research activities here. By the joint collaboration of the scientists of the Faculty of Fisheries, CVASU, and different scientists from Malaysia, Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, Korea, and Australia, this research station will play a key role in marine-related research in Bangladesh.
Dr. A.S.M. Golam Kibria
Professor and Director
DR. Md. Forhad Hossain
Curator (Contractual)
Mijanur Rahman
Section Officer
Md. Nazmul Hasan Forhad
Scientific Officer (Hatchery)
Abu Farhad Bukhary
Office Asst. Cum-Computer Typist
Kiro Chakma
Tareq Aziz
Senior Animal keeper
Sana Ullah
Senior Security Guard
Faruk Hossin
Security Guard
Imam Hoshen
Office Sahayak
Momtaz Begum
Nurul Kabir Khan
Security Guard
Mohamed Shajahan
Nayan Horijon
Faisal Imran
Security Guard
Rajib Paul
Security Guard
Aman Ullah
Dormitory Attendant