



Research Portfolio

Dr. Md Ridoan Pasha
Assistant Professor
Department of Physiology Biochemistry and Pharmacology
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine


Dr. Md Ridoan Pasha has been an Assistant Professor in the Department of Physiology, Biochemistry, and Pharmacology under the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, CVASU since February 2022. He joined as a Lecturer in the same department on December 2019.  He completed his DVM (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine) in 2015 and MS (Physiology) in 2019 from the same university. 

Dr. Pasha is a new-generation scientist and has research enthusiasm in Behavioral and Stress Physiology, Digestive Physiology, and Animal Welfare. He has published a good number of scientific articles and conference papers both as an author and co-author. He is teaching physiology courses to undergraduate and postgraduate students.

In his academic life, Dr. Pasha was awarded the National Science and Technology (NST) Scholarship for his MS research work. He championed the ‘Appreciation Award’ for his outstanding performance in the 4th year of DVM education. He was the Champion of the “1st Physiology Olympiad” held at CVASU in 2013 and his group achieved the Best Biochemistry Structure award in 2014.

Dr. Pasha is a trained member of the Bangladesh Veterinary Pedagogy Forum. Apart from this, he is a trained member of the Mass Dog Vaccination (MDV) program by the Health Ministry, Bangladesh AMR Response Alliance (BARA) by FAO, and the European Union Commission for Control of Foot and Mouth Disease (EU-FMD). He is a global outreach member of the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) and a founding member of the Bangladesh Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA). Dr. Pasha was one of the members of the contributor team for establishing the first ever "Standard Treatment Guideline" (STG)  for poultry and large animals launched by the Department of Livestock Services of Bangladesh (DLS); with the help of the "Food and Agricultural Organization" of the United Nations (FAO-UN) in November 2022.  He is also a BARA trainer of the "CPD training on AMR/AMU for the Medical and Veterinary Practitioners" under the DLS and FAO-UN. 

Dr. Pasha attended many training, workshops, seminars, and conferences as part of academic and professional improvement. He bagged the Best Trainee award in the "26th Foundation Training for University Teachers" organized by Graduate Training Institute at Bangladesh Agricultural University held on December 2021. He has also championed various oral presentations at conferences both at home and abroad.

Apart from the academic teaching and research, Dr. Pasha is also involved in outreach activities like CE training of the Vets, farmers' training and farm consultancy. 

Research Interests


•   Assistant Professor in Department of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University from Feb. 28, 2022 to Present
•   Lecturer in Department of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University from Dec. 8, 2019 to Feb. 27, 2022

•   Assistant Proctor in Office of the Proctor, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University from March 21, 2023 to Present

•   Member in Academic Council, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University from Sept. 28, 2021 to Feb. 28, 2022

Teaching : Current Courses

Course Name Course Code Department
Basic And Circulatory Physiology BCP-101 (T+P) Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Neuro-Endocrine and Reproductive Physiology NRP-201 (T+P) Department of Physiology Biochemistry and Pharmacology
Systemic Physiology (Practical) SPH-102 (P) Department of Physiology Biochemistry and Pharmacology
Animal Welfare and Veterinary Ethics AWE-401 (T) Department of Physiology Biochemistry and Pharmacology
General Pharmacology GPH-202 Department of Physiology Biochemistry and Pharmacology
General Pharmacology (Practical) GPH-202 (P) Department of Physiology Biochemistry and Pharmacology

Course Name Course Code Department
Endocrine and Reproductive Physiology ERP-601 Department of Physiology Biochemistry and Pharmacology
Immuno-Physiology IMP-601 (T) Department of Physiology Biochemistry and Pharmacology
Laboratory Techniques in Physiology LTP-602 (P) Department of Physiology Biochemistry and Pharmacology
Endocrinology and Nutritional Pharmacology ENP-602 Department of Physiology Biochemistry and Pharmacology



Cell Phone:   01994129945

T&T:   323


307, Academic Building One, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
CVASU Main Academic Campus.

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Similar to Me

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Associate Professor
Department of Dairy and Poultry Science
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Mahabub Alam
Associate Professor
Department of Animal Science and Nutrition
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine


Educational Qualifications
Year of Passing​
MS in Physiology
Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (CVASU)

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM)
Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (CVASU)
Veterinary Medicine

Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC)
Chattogram Cantonment Public College (CCPC)

Secondary School Certificate (SSC)
Rangunia Khilmogal Rashik High School (RKRHS)

Trainings Received
26th Foundation Training for University Teachers by UGC-GTI
Graduate Training Institute, Bangladesh Agricultural University
04-30 December 2021

Workshop on Applications of Bioinformatics in Health and Agriculture
Centre for Advanced Research in Sciences (CARS), University of Dhaka, Bangladesh​
12 November 2019

Online Foot and Mouth Disease Investigation Training Course for South ASIA by European Commission for the Control of Foot and Mouth Disease (EU-FMD)
Eu-FMD Forum of Food and Agriculture Organization of UN (FAO)
February to March 2019

Training in AMR and AMU
Bangladesh Antimicrobial Resistance Response Alliance, Joint program by FAO, OIE & WHO
18-20  December 2018

2nd International Workshop on Bovine Udder Health Development
Chattogram Veterinary And Animal Sciences University (CVASU)
23-24 October 2018

Training on Mass Dog Vaccination (MDV)
Directorate of Health Services, Ministry of Health and Family Planning
17-18 June 2018

Workshop on Research Methodology and Scientific Paper Writing
Institute of Information Technology, Dhaka University
11 November 2017

Seminar on Molecular tools used for laboratory diagnosis of infectious diseases
Department of Pathology and Parasitology, CVASU
14 September 2017

Training workshop on Use of Clinical Pathological Tools for Animal Disease Diagnoses
Department of Pathology and Parasitology, CVASU
12- 13 December 2016

3rd  International Training Programme on Theriogenology
S. A. Quaderi Teaching Veterinary Hospital, CVASU
27-29 April 2015

Workshop on Art of Communication
Southern University Bangladesh
19 January 2018


Acedemic Awards
Appreciation Award for the best performance in the 4th Year of DVM Curriculum

Research Grants
  1.  Assessing and addressing the welfare conditions of goats at backyard small-scale farms. University Grants Commission through CVASU, 2020-21.
  2. Investigating the impact of heat stress on behavior and physiology of dairy cattle in Bangladesh. University Grants Commission through CVASU, 2021-22.
  3. Investigating the poor welfare issues of transported meat chickens at live bird market. University Grants Commission through CVASU, 2022-23.
  4. University Grants Commission through CVASU, 2021-22. University Grants Commission through CVASU, 2022-23. 


Member of Bangladesh Antimicrobial Resistance Response Alliance (BARA) Since 2018

Member of Bangladesh Veterinary Pedagogy Forum (BVPF) since 2023

Scientific Paper Presentation (Oral)
20 October 2019

Scientific Paper Presentation (Oral)
1st Runners-Up
24 February 2019

One Health Collaborative Essay Competition
One Health Day, 2018
3 November 2018

Physiology Olympiad
1st Physiology Olympiad, 2013
November 2013

Biochemistry Structure Competition
Biochemistry Structure Exhibition

Speech Competition
World Veterinary Day
Best Orator
VC&RI, India
28 April 2016

Quiz Competition (Team)
World Veterinary Day 
Runners Up​
VC&RI, India
28 April 2016 

Essay Competition
World Food Day 2019
Third Prize 
16 October 2019


Scientific Articles:

  1.  MR Prank, MR Pasha, MSA Faruk (2025). Assessment of bovine plasma and serum sample stability at different storage conditions with concentration variations of biochemical analytes. Journal of Research in Veterinary Sciences, 5(2), p80-94.

  2. S Akter, MR Pasha, MR Alam (2024). Exploring cancer epidemiology and associated risk factors in Chattogram, Bangladesh. The Journal of Chittagong Medical College Teachers Association, 35 (2), p124-129.

  3. MR Pasha, MB Hossain, AH Shaikat, M Rahman, MR Alam (2024). Welfare assessment of broiler chickens at live bird market of Chattogram in Bangladesh. Journal of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Research, 11(3), p803-809. doi: 10.5455/javar.2024.k832 

  4. MR Alam, Al-Amin, MJ Islam, AH Shaikat, MR Pasha,  RE Doyle (2023). Welfare Assessment of Dairy Cows in Commercial Farms in Chattogram, Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 21(2), p57-69. 

  5. FK Nova, MA Imtiaz, MR Pasha, AH Shaikat, J Sultana (2023). Hemato-biochemical and Endocrinological Changes During Late Pregnancy in Cows. Asian Journal of Advanced Research, 6(1), p665-670. 

  6. GS Alam, MM Hassan, M Ahaduzzaman, C Nath, P Dutta, H Khanom, SA Khan, MR Pasha, A Islam, RS Magalhaes, R Cobbold (2023). Molecular Detection of Tetracycline-Resistant Genes in Multi-Drug-Resistant Escherichia coli Isolated from Broiler Meat in Bangladesh. Antibiotics, 12(2), p.418.

  7. MR Hasan, MM Rahman, SA Khan, AI Shawn, MSR Siddiki, MR Pasha, MR Alam (2023). Effects of German and Maize Grasses on Milk and Blood of Dairy Cows. Research in Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, 9: 3, 313-322.

  8. AH Shaikat, SA Khan, MA Imtiaz, MR Pasha, J Sultana, A Saif, MR Alam (2022). Assessing the health hazard originated via pesticide chemicals in human through rabbit model in agricultural production system in Bangladesh. BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology. 23:28, 1-7.
  9. J Sultana, SA Khan, MR Pasha, MA Imtiaz, A Saif, FK Nova, AH Shaikat (2022). Alteration of physiological parameters in repeat breeder cows. Asian Journal of Advances in Research. 15 (2), 1-5.

  10. MR Pasha, SKMA Islam (2021).  Antimicrobial efficacy of Terminalia chebula (Haritaki) ethanol extracts against Escherichia coli and Salmonella isolated from commercial broiler. Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences. 9, 1-7.

  11. T Paul, A Saif, MA Imtiaz, MR Pasha, AH Shaikat (2020). Alterations of Sex Steroid Hormone in An  Unusually Sex-reversed Duck: A case study. Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences. 8, 136-139.

  12. MR Alam, MJ Islam, A Amin, AH Shaikat, MR Pasha, RE Doyle (2019). Animal-Based Welfare Assessment of Cattle and Water Buffalo in Bangladeshi Slaughterhouses. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science. 1-12.

  13. B Mallick, S Sultana, MR Pasha, SKMA Islam (2019). Nitroxynil efficacy and some antimicrobials sensitivity against organisms isolated from Asiatic Elephant, Bangabandhu safari park, Dulahazra, Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences. 6, 39-44.

Conference Papers

  1. AA Simon, MJ Hakim, MR Alam, MR Pasha (2025). Tackling the heat stress of broiler chickens with Betaine and Vitamin-C supplementation. Proceedings of the BSVER ASCon XXXI, 1-2 February 2025, Mymensingh, Bangladesh.

  2. MR Pasha (2024). Assessing and Addressing the Welfare Conditions of Goats at Backyard Small-Scale Farms. Proceedings of the CVASU Research and Technology Festival- 2024, 7 December 2024, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chattogram, Bangladesh. 

  3. MR Pasha (2024). Effect of Heat Stress on Production Animals: Bangladesh Perspective (Lead Paper). Proceedings on the International Conference on Innovative Education, Research and Extension Approaches for Transmitting Scientific Know-how to Augment Livestock Production in the Contemporary Scenario, 10-12 July 2024, Veterinary College and Research Institute, Orathanadu, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India.

  4. B Adhikari, K Marma, NJ Mouri, MA Hossain, MR Pasha, A Saha (2024). Assessing the Impact of Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) on Obesity and Hepatic Function in Female Rats Under a High Carbohydrate  High Fat (HCHF) Diet: An In-Vivo Study. Proceedings of the BCSIR Congress-2023, 08-10 March 2024, Chattogram, Bangladesh.

  5. SN Nishan, MR Pasha, MR Alam (2024).  Welfare Assessment of Backyard Goats for Sustainable Production in Bangladesh. Proceedings of the BSVER ASCon XXX, 24-25 February 2024, Mymensingh, Bangladesh. 

  6. RA Prachurja, MR Pasha, BC Sutradhar (2024). Surgical Management of Humerus Fracture in Calf by Using Wire and Interlocking Nails. Proceedings of the BSVER ASCon XXX, 24-25 February 2024, Mymensingh, Bangladesh.
  7. MR Pasha, MR Alam (2023). Welfare assessment of broiler chickens for sustainable production in Bangladesh. Proceedings of the BSVER ASCon XXIX, 25-26 February 2023, Mymensingh, Bangladesh. 

  8. MS Nu, MR Pasha, AH Shaikat, MR Alam (2020). Assessing the human-animal relationships in the dairy enterprise: A baseline study in Chattogram. Proceedings of the BSVER ASCon XXVI, 28 February-1 March 2020, Mymensingh, Bangladesh.

  9. MR Pasha, MA Imtiaz, J Sultana, MM Hassan, MB Hossain, MR Alam (2019). Assessing the welfare and change of physiological indices at different temperatures in the broiler farming system. Proceedings of the ISCon CVASU XVI,19- 20 October 2019, Chattogram, Bangladesh.

  10. MR Pasha, MB Hossain, MM Hassan, MR Alam (2019). Assessing the welfare and hygienic practices of broiler birds at the kitchen markets. Proceedings of the BSVER ASCon XXV, 23- 24 February 2019, Mymensingh, Bangladesh.

  11. MR Pasha, MM Hassan, MR Alam (2019). Assessing the food safety condition of the broiler shops and broiler meats at the live bird markets in Chattogram city. 10th One Health Bangladesh Conference, 26-28 November 2019, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

  12. MN Quader, MR Pasha, J Sultana, MI Hossain, MM Hassan, MR Alam (2018). Assessing the impact of transport on broiler chickens and their welfare at live bird markets. Proceedings of the ISCon CVASU XV, 12- 13 May 2018, Chattogram, Bangladesh.

  13. MR Alam, MR Pasha (2018). Studies of welfare and food safety issues of birds slaughtered at kitchen markets. Annual research review workshop of CVASU, 15 November 2018, Chattogram, Bangladesh.


Current Funding
Project name
Funding Agency

Principal Investigator


Project Completed
Project name
Funding Agency
Assessing and addressing the welfare conditions of goats at backyard small-scale farms
Principal Investigator
Investigating the impact of heat stress on the behavior and physiology of dairy cattle in Bangladesh
Principal Investigator
Investigating the poor welfare issues of transported meat chickens at live bird market
Principal Investigator

Effect of bull bio-stimulation on hormonal levels of dairy cow
Principal Investigator

Alleviation of heat stress in broiler chickens by using some selective feed supplements
Principal Investigator



  PG (MS)
SL No. Student Name Roll No. Reg No. Session Degree Supervisor
1. Shahid Newas Nisan 0120/01 809 2020-21 PG (MS) CoI

Thesis Title :
Welfare Assessment of Black Bengal Goat in small scale farming system
Thesis Title : Welfare Assessment of Black Bengal Goat in small scale farming system
2. Farsia Naher 0123/01 1291 2023-2024 PG (MS) CoI

Thesis Title :
Physio-chemical profiling of hemolymph of mangrove horseshoe crab (Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda): Insights into the blue blood unique properties
Thesis Title : Physio-chemical profiling of hemolymph of mangrove horseshoe crab (Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda): Insights into the blue blood unique properties
3. Sheike Rezaul Karim 0122/03 1071 January-June 2022 PG (MS) CoI

Thesis Title :
Effect Of High Environmental Temperature On Production And Haemato-Biochemical Parameters Of Intensively Reared Dairy Cows
Thesis Title : Effect Of High Environmental Temperature On Production And Haemato-Biochemical Parameters Of Intensively Reared Dairy Cows
4. Md. Ismail 0122/02 1070 January-June 2022 PG (MS) CoI

Thesis Title :
Assessing the condition of animals during unloading at the livestock market and its effect on health and welfare
Thesis Title : Assessing the condition of animals during unloading at the livestock market and its effect on health and welfare
5. Md Rabiul Islam 0122/01 1069 January-June, 2022 PG (MS) CoI

Thesis Title :
Assessing Hoof Disorders in Dairy Cows and Their Effect on Physiology and Welfare.
Thesis Title : Assessing Hoof Disorders in Dairy Cows and Their Effect on Physiology and Welfare.
6. Mohammad Mizanur Rahman 0123/03 1232 January-June, 2023 PG (MS) CoI

Thesis Title :
Effect of bull biostimulation on the reproductive performance of postpartum dairy cows
Thesis Title : Effect of bull biostimulation on the reproductive performance of postpartum dairy cows
7. Gazi Hafsa Akter 0122/14 1148 2021-22 PG (MS) CoI

Thesis Title :
Pattern of Antibiotic Use in Different Departments of a Tertiary Hospital in Chattogram
Thesis Title : Pattern of Antibiotic Use in Different Departments of a Tertiary Hospital in Chattogram
8. Sayma Sultana 0123/01 1239 Jan-June,2023 PG (MS) CoI

Thesis Title :
Detection of Multidrug-Resistant Escherichia coli in Fecal samples of Cynopterus sphinx (Fruit Bats) in Chattogram, Bangladesh
Thesis Title : Detection of Multidrug-Resistant Escherichia coli in Fecal samples of Cynopterus sphinx (Fruit Bats) in Chattogram, Bangladesh
  UG (DVM)
SL No. Student Name Roll No. Reg No. Session Degree Supervisor
1. Aslam Hossain 16/06 01606 2015-2016 UG (DVM) PI

Thesis Title :
An Investigation on Calf Welfare, Management and Disease Prevalence at Dairy Farms in Chattogram
Thesis Title : An Investigation on Calf Welfare, Management and Disease Prevalence at Dairy Farms in Chattogram
2. M. A. Rahman - Rahim 17/51 01883 2016-17 UG (DVM) PI

Thesis Title :
Medicinal Dissolution of Nephroliths in a Cat
Thesis Title : Medicinal Dissolution of Nephroliths in a Cat
3. Rakibul Alam Prachurja 18/41 03001 2017-18 UG (DVM) PI

Thesis Title :
Surgical Management of Humerus Fracture in Calf by Using Wire and Interlocking Nails
Thesis Title : Surgical Management of Humerus Fracture in Calf by Using Wire and Interlocking Nails
4. Arfanl Saif 17/109 01885 2016-17 UG (DVM) PI

Thesis Title :
Exogenous insulin could alter stress response during slaughter in broiler chicken
Thesis Title : Exogenous insulin could alter stress response during slaughter in broiler chicken
5. Mahmudur Rahman 19/10 03212 2018 – 2019 UG (DVM) PI

Thesis Title :
A Case Report on Suspected Enterotoxemia in a Calf: Postmortem and Histopathological Perspectives
Thesis Title : A Case Report on Suspected Enterotoxemia in a Calf: Postmortem and Histopathological Perspectives
6. Md Naim Uddin Nipu 19/30 03233 2018 – 2019 UG (DVM) PI

Thesis Title :
A Case Report On Chronic Kidney Disease With Cardiomyopathy Of A Dog
Thesis Title : A Case Report On Chronic Kidney Disease With Cardiomyopathy Of A Dog
