Mr. S.M. Ziaul Hoque |
Technical officer
Department of Food Processing and Engineering Faculty of Food Science and Technology |
S.M. Ziaul Hoque has successfully completed the B.Sc (Honour's) in Chemistry and MS in Applied Chemistry from University of Chattogram (CU), Bangladesh. He has completed one month training from TICI ( Training Institute for Chemical Industries) about Quality Control & Chemical Analysis.
1) MS in Applied Chemistry, Chattogram University (CU), Chattogram, Bangladesh.
2) B.Sc. in Chemistry, Chattogram University (CU), Chattogram, Bangladesh.
Course Title: Chemical Analysis & Quality Control
Institute: Training Institute for Chemical Industries( TICI), Polash, Norshingdi.
Duration: One Month
1. S. Akther, M.A. Alim, M.R. Badshah, A. Matin, M. Ahmed and S. M. Z. Hoque. 2020. Formulation and quality evaluation of instant mango drink powder, International Journal of Food Research, 4 (4) (2020) 1287 – 1296.
2. Sunzida Akhter, Shireen Akther, Sultan Mohd. Adnan, S. M. Ziaul Haque, Mohammad Mainuddin Molla, Mahfujul Alam, 2021. Variability assessment of different treatment effect on antioxidant capacity, total carotenoid & ascorbic acid content of three Mango (Magnifera Indica) cultivars. International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS) 7(4), 246-261.