



Research Portfolio

Dr. Shireen Akther
Department of Food Processing and Engineering
Faculty of Food Science and Technology



•   Professor in Department of Food Processing and Engineering, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University from May 7, 2023 to Present
•   Associate Professor in Department of Food Processing and Engineering, Faculty of Food Science and Technology from May 7, 2019 to May 6, 2023
•   Assistant Professor in Department of Food Processing and Engineering, Faculty of Food Science and Technology from May 26, 2013 to May 6, 2019
•   Lecturer in Department of Food Processing and Engineering, Faculty of Food Science and technology from March 16, 2011 to May 25, 2013

•   Director in Food Safety and Nutrition Institute, Food Safety and Nutrition Institute, CVASU from July 20, 2023 to Dec. 3, 2024
•   Provost in Bangamata Fazilatunnesa Ladies Hall, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University from Feb. 6, 2022 to Dec. 7, 2023
•   Head in Department of Food Processing and Engineering, Chattogram Veterinary and animal Sciences University from June 21, 2021 to June 20, 2023
•   Coordinator, FST in Food processing and Engineering, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University from Jan. 24, 2021 to March 20, 2022
•   Head in Department of Food Processing and Engineering, Faculty of Food Science and Technology from May 28, 2013 to Feb. 5, 2019


Educational Qualifications

Academic Qualifications:

1) Ph.D. in Food Technology, Department of Food Technology and Rural Industries, Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Bangladesh.

2) M.S. in Food Technology, Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), 2006, Bangladesh.

3) B.Sc. in Agricultural Engineering, Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), 2004, Bangladesh.

4) H. S. C. in Science, B. A. F. Shahin College, Chittagong, 1998, Bangladesh.

5) S. S. C. in Science, B. N. School, Chittagong, 1996, Bangladesh.



Acedemic Awards


1. Certificates of “Professor Jinnat Ara Begum Gold Medal” award for B. Sc Result.

2. Bangabandhu Science & Technology Fellowship for PhD program.

3. Best Researcher Award, Category: Technology and Product Development, CVASU Research and Technology Festival, 2024, Organized by Directorate of Research and Extension, CVAU, 7th December, 2024.

4. Best poster awards (2nd Runner up award), 16th International Scientific Conference, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, 2019.

5.  Best Poster awards, 15th International Scientific Conference, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, 2018.

6.  Obtained 1st position in MS Examination, Dept. of Food Technology and Rural Industries, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh.


Member, Krishibid Institution of Bangladesh

Member, IEB (Institute of Engineers, Bangladesh) (M/43033)


Scientific Publications:

  1.  Arefin, M. S., Akther, S., Rahman, N., Begum, M., & Sarwar, N. (2024). Effects of Processing and Preservation Technologies on Keeping Quality of Labeo rohita: Attributes of Nutritional, Microbial and Sensory. Journal of food quality and hazards control.
  2.  Nahid, M., Akther, S., Hassan, M. K., Uddin, M. N., Zaber, M.A., and Bhuiyan, M.N.I. (2024). Quality enhancement of potato chips through acrylamide mitigation and comparison with local potato chips in Bangladesh. Food Research. 8(6): 48-56.
  3.  Amanullah, M., Nahid, M., Hosen, S. Z., Akther, S., & Kauser-Ul-Alam, M. (2024). The nutraceutical value of foods and its health benefits: A review. Health Dynamics, 1(8), 273-283.
  4.  Ahmad, M., Punam, F. S., Amanullah, M., Sarwar, N., Haque, M. M., Yeasmin, N., & Akther, S. (2024). Antioxidant Activity and Bioactive Compounds of Fruits Available in Bangladesh. Health Dynamics, 1(1), 22-29.
  5.  JAMAL, S., BARUA, S., BARUA, A., MORSHED, A., AKTER, R., & AKTHER, SHIREEN. (2024). Phytochemical Screening and Antihyperglycemic Effects of Stevia rebaudiana Leaves Extract on Glucose Loaded Rats. Oriental Journal of Chemistry, 40(1).
  6.  Akther, S., Jothi, J. S., Badsha, M. R., Rahman, M. M., Das, G. B., & Alim, M. A. (2023). Drying methods effect on bioactive compounds, phenolic profile, and antioxidant capacity of mango powder. Journal of King Saud University-Science, 35(1), 102370 (Q1 Journal, IF=3.829).
  7.  Rahman, N., Hashem, S., Akther, S., & Jothi, J. S. (2023). Impact of various extraction methods on fatty acid profile, physicochemical properties, and nutritional quality index of Pangus fish oil. Food Science & Nutrition, 11(8), 4688-4699. (Q1, IF: 3.55).
  8.  Akter, F., Akther, S., Sultana, A., Rahman, M., & Deb, U. K. (2022). Optimization of Drying Parameters for Total Phenolic Content of Papaya Using Response Surface Methodology. International Journal of Food Science, 2022(IS-3.78, Q2 Journal).
  9.  Ahmad M*, Rahman M.S, Junayed M, Haque M.M, Yeasmin N, Ahmed T, Sarwar N, and Akther S. 2022. Impact of cow manure and ash (wood ash and charcoal) for reducing lead and arsenic availability and accumulation in Ipomoea aquatica L., Spinacia oleracea L. and Amaranthus gangeticus L. Scientific Research Journal, Vol. X, Issue XII, pp 06-12.
  10.  Akther, S., Shahriar, S. M. S., Badsha, M. R., Alam, M. K. U., Jothi, J. S., & Sultana, A. (2021). Levels of three heavy metals in ground water and cereals in Chattogram Division, Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 9(2).
  11.  Akther, S., Akter, F., Rahman, M. M., Uddin, M. A., Rahman, M. M., & Alim, M. A. (2021). Computational and experimental studies to optimize the extraction of flavonoids from mango powder using response surface methodology. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 1-12.9 (IF-3.006, Q2 Journal).
  12.  Sunzida Akhter, Shireen Akther, Sultan Mohd. Adnan, S. M. Ziaul Haque, Mohammad Mainuddin Molla, Mahfujul Alam, 2021. Variability assessment of different treatment effect on antioxidant capacity, total carotenoid & ascorbic acid content of three Mango (Magnifera Indica) cultivars. International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS) 7(4), 246-261.
  13.  M. K. Alam, N. Sarwar, S. Akther, M. Ahmad, P. K. Biswas, 2021. Isolation and Molecular Characterization of Shigatoxigenic O157 and Non-O157 Escherichia Coli in Raw Milk Marketed in Chittagong, Bangladesh. Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research. 40(1):1-7.
  14.   J. S. Jothi, N. Rahman, A. Chakraborty, S. Akther, 2021. Prevalence of Tea Consumption among University Students of South-Eastern Region of Bangladesh and Associated Factors. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 9(8): 1357-1361. DOI:
  15.   S. Akther, A. Sultana, M. R. Badsha, M. M. Rahman, M. A. Alim, and A. M. Amin. 2020. Physicochemical properties of mango (Amropali cultivar) powder and its reconstituted product as affected by drying methods, International Journal of Food Properties, Vol. 23, No. 1, 2201–2216. (IF: 3.61), Q2 journal.
  16.   S. Akther, M. A. Alim, M. R. Badshah, A. Matin, M. Ahmed and S. M. Z. Hoque. 2020. Formulation and quality evaluation of instant mango drink powder, International Journal of Food Research, 4 (4) (2020) 1287 – 1296. (IF: 1.169), Q3 journal
  17.   S. Akther, F. Sultana, M. R. Badsha, J. S. Jothi and M. A. Alim. 2020. Anthocyanin Stability Profile of Mango Powder: Temperature, pH, Light, Solvent and Sugar Content Effects. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology 8(9): 1871-1877.
  18.  Akther, S., Sarwar, N., Alam, M. K., Badsha, M. R. and Islam. M. N., 2020. Dehydration Kinetics of hog-plum (Spondias mangifera), hog-plum jelly and hog-plum leather. Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 8(1), 41-50.
  19. Badsha, M. R., Akther, S., Jothi, J. S., & Sultana, A. (2020). Quality evaluation of commercially available instant mango drinks powder in local market of Bangladesh. International Journal of Agricultural Research, Innovation and Technology (IJARIT), 10(2355-2021-436), 54-58.
  20.  Sultana, F., Akther, S., & Begum, M. R. (2020). Effect of frozen storage, light, and heating temperature on the stability of anthocyanins of natural color extracted from pomegranate peel (Punica granatum L.). Ukrainian Journal of Food Science, 8(2): 251-259.
  21.  A. Matin, F. Mahmud, S. Akther, N. Rahman and F. B. H. Ahmad. 2020. Appraise the physio-chemical quality of Black Tea available in the local market of Chattogram. Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 8(1), 128-132.
  22.  Akther, S., Basak, M., Badsha, M. R., Sultana, A. (2019). Quality attributes of mixed fruits leather prepared from mango, pineapple and papaya pulp. Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 7(2), 47–53.
  23.  Sarwar, N., Ahmed, T., and Akther, S. 2019. Effect of Different Processing and Preservation Methods on the Quality of Tenualosa Ilisha (Hilsa Shad) Fish. Journal of Advances in Food Science & Technology, 6(2): 75-87.
  24. Majumder, D., Badsha, M. R., Kobra, K. T., Saha, I., Quader M. F. B. and Akther, S., 2019. Physicochemical characterization and application of pectin extracted from seasonally available different fruits waste in jelly preparation. International journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 6(3): 61-66.
  25.  S. Akther, S.M.S. Shahriar, M.K. Alam, A. Matin, N. Sarwar. 2017. Comparative studies on the quality of sandesh from cow milk chhana with soy-milk chhana addition. Ukrainian Food Journal. Volume 6. Issue 3: 514-523.
  26.  Matin A, Siddiquee M. A, Akther S, Alam M. K and Ali M.S. A comparative study on chemical and cooking properties of abiotic stress tolerant and other high yielding rice varieties in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. 42 No. 4, December 2017. 
  27. A. Matin, S. Akther, M. K. Alam, M. Ahmad. 2017. Comparative study on quality (nutritive, physicochemical and microbial) of prepared and commercial malted milk hot drinks in Bangladesh. European Academic Research. 5(2): 1316-1332.
  28. M. K. Alam, S. Akther, N. Nazmul. 2017. An Investigation on Risk Factors Related to the Occurrence of Escherichia coli in Fluid Milk Marketed in Chittagong, Bangladesh, Journal of Food Quality and Hazards Control. 4: 9-13.
  29. M. K. Alam, S. Akther, N. Nazmul, S. Morshed , G. K. Debnath. 2017. Prevalence and Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Escherichia Coli O157 Isolated From Raw Milk Marketed in Chittagong, Bangladesh, Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology. 5(3):214-220.
  30.  S. Akther, S. M. S. Shahriar, H. M. Zakir, M. K. Alam. 2016. A quantitative analysis of chromium and zinc in water and raw milk in Chittagong, Bangladesh, Journal of Scientific. Research, 8 (1): 93-100.
  31.  M. K. Alam, S. Akther, N. Nazmul, A. Begum. 2016.  Isolation and identification of coagulase positive Staphyllococcus aureus in dairy products marketed in chittagong city and analysis of antimicrobial susceptibility profiles, Pakistan journal of Food Science. 26(4): 180-186.
  32.  N. Sarwar, S. Akther, T. Ahmed, K. N. Sharmin, M. Ahmed, A. Hossain, F. Akther and M.K. Alam. 2016. Determination of major constituents in commercial brands of carbonated soft drinks, European Academic Research. 4(5): 5029-5043.
  33.   S. Akther, S. M. S. Shahriar, J. Sultana, M. K. Alam. 2015. Analysis of selected metallic impurities in soft drinks marketed in Chittagong, Bangladesh, Journal of Environmental Science and Natural resources. 8(2): 153-156.
  34. G. B. Das, A. Ahad, M. E. Hossain, M. A. Akbar, S. Akther, A. Mahmood. 2014. Effect of different oil supplements on humoral immune response and lipid profile in commercial broiler. Pakistan Veterinary Journal. 34(2): 229-233 (Scopus).
  35.  J. S. Jothi, M. Islam, M. S. Islam, M. R. T. Rahman, S. Akther. 2014. Development and shelf-life prediction of pineapple (Ananas comosus) preserve and candy. International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research. 10 (1): 77-82.
  36.  S.M.S. Shahriar, S. Akther, F. Akter, S. Morshed, M.K. Alam, I. Saha, M. A. Halim, M.M. Hassan. 2014. Concentration of Copper and Lead in Market Milk and Milk Products of Bangladesh, International letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy. 8 (1): 56-58.
  37.  S. Akther, S. M. S. Shahriar, F. Akter, S. Morshed and M. N. Islam. 2012. Study on Chemical Composition of Fresh Mymensingh and Barishal Hog-plum (Spondius mangifera) and Developed Leather and Jelly and Sensory Evaluation. Journal of Environmetal Science & Natural Resources. 5(2): 29-36.
  38.  S. M. S. Shahriar, M. N. Islam, S. Akther, M. K. Islam and M. M. Ali. 2012.   Evaluation of Toxic effect of transition metal complexes on biochemical parameters in Swiss albino mice. Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences. 1(1&2): 41-53.
  39.  S. Morshed, M. K. Alam, A. Begum, S. M. S. Shahriar, K. N. Sharmin and S. Akther. Physicochemical properties and chemical constituents of oil from joan seed (Trachyspermum ammi L). Journal of Environmental Science and Natural Resource. 2012; 5(2): 15-21. 

Short Communication: 

1. Alam, M.J., Akther, M.S., Begum, M.A., Matin, A. and T. Ahmed. 2017. Physicochemical and microbiological properties of some potable water samples available in Chittagong area, Bangladesh journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 5(1):67-72.


Articles Published in Proceedings of Conferences:

  1.  A. Matin, M.A. Siddiquee, S. Akther, M.K. Alam, M. Ahmed and M.S. Ali, A study on physicochemical properties of abiotic stress tolerant high yielding varieties (HYV) rice in Bangladesh, presented in 13th Annual Scientific Conference (ASCON-XII), CVASU, April 2, 2016.
  2.  C. Dutta and S. Akther, Phyto-biochemical analysis of dried aloe powders and popular aloe products to identify maximum aloe processing temperature considering effect of air drying on bio-molecules, BCSIR CONGRESS, 1-3 December 2022.
  3.  M. Nahid, S. Akther, M. N. Uddin, and M. N. I. Bhuiyan. Comparison of the nutritional values and safety characteristics of developed and locally produced potato chips in Bangladesh, BCSIR CONGRESS, 1-3 December 2022.
  4.  M. A. Zaber, M. A. Halim, S. Akther, M. Nahid, and M. N. I. Bhuiyan, Acrylamide Quantification, Proximate and Microbial Analysis of Locally Available Breads in Bangladesh. International Conference on Environmental Protection for Sustainable Development (ICEPSD), 2-4 September 2022.

Poster Presentation

  1.  S. Akther*, A. Chowdhury, R. Bin Tofa, N. Rahman, Effect of different pre-treatments on raisins processing and its quality characterization, Presented in CVASU Research and Technology Festival, CVASU, 7th December, 2024.
  2.  S. Akther*, T. Tahsin, A. Chowdhury, R. Bin Tofa, Extraction of passion fruits’ seed oil and characterization of its fatty acid profile, Presented in CVASU Research and Technology Festival, CVASU, 7th December, 2024.
  3.   S. Akther, MIU Mahmud and SMS ShahriarAnalysis of selected metallic impurities in soft  drinks marketed in Chittagong, Bangladesh, Presented in 12th Annual Scientific Conference (ASCON-XII), CVASU, April 26, 2015.
  4.    Matin, A., Akther, S., Jothi, J.S., Sultana, A., Sarwar, N. and Ahmed, S, A study on quality ( nutritive, physicochemical and microbiological) of developed malted milk hot drinks, Presented in 15th International Scientific Conference (ISCon-XV), CVASU, 2018. 
  5.    S. Akther*, A. Matin, M. R. Badsha and M. A. Alim. Formulation and quality evaluation of instant mango drinks powder, Presented at 16th International Scientific Conference (ISCon-XVI), CVASU, October 19, 2019. 



Current Funding

Project Completed

·      2012-2013, Principal Investigator, the project entitled “A quantitative analysis of chromium in market milk in Chittagong, Bangladesh”. Funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh.

·      2012-2013, Principal Investigator, the project entitled “Analysis of selected metallic impurities in soft drinks marketed in Chittagong, Bangladesh.”. Funded by CVASU supported project of University Grants Commission (Bangladesh).

·      2014-2015, Principal Investigator, the project entitled “A Quantitative Analysis of Chromium and Zinc in Water and Market Milk in Chittagong, Bangladesh”. Funded by CVASU supported project of University Grants Commission (Bangladesh).

.     2016-2017, Principal Investigator, the project entitled “Effect of processing conditions on proximate and selected mineral composition of cereal and legume flours”. Funded by University Grants Commission (Bangladesh).

.     2016-2017, Principal Investigator, the project entitled “Determination of the level of selected toxic metals in groundwater and some cereals grown in Chittagong area of Bangladesh”. Funded by CVASU supported project of University Grants Commission (Bangladesh).


.     2017-2018, Principal Investigator, the project entitled “Determination of Major constituents and minerals content of carbonated soft drink in Bangladesh”. Funded by University Grants Commission (Bangladesh).

.     2017-2018, Principal Investigator, the project entitled “Effects of spray drying, freeze drying and vacuum drying methods on the proximate composition, physicochemical properties, water sorption and glass transition phenomenon of mango juice powder and Determination of Degradation Kinetics and Storage Stability of Prepared Mango Juice Powder”. Funded by CVASU supported project of University Grants Commission (Bangladesh).

.    2017-2018, Principal Investigator, the project entitled “Impacts of nutritional quality on different processing techniques of Cereal and Legume flours in local market, Chittagong.”. Funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh.


.     2018-2019, Principal Investigator, the project entitled “Effects of drying techniques on the physical properties and bioactive compounds of mango juice powder”. Funded by University Grants Commission (Bangladesh).

.     2018-2019, Principal Investigator, the project entitled “Acrylamide quantitation of locally available potato chips in Chattogram & development of a potato chips manufacturing procedure to reduce acrylamide level”. Funded by CVASU supported project of University Grants Commission (Bangladesh).

.    2018-2019, Principal Investigator, the project entitled “Assessment of extraction processes, degradation kinetics of anthocyanin from the peel of eggplant (solanum melongena) and comparative analysis of the physicochemical properties of guava jelly made with this anthocyanin, Chittagong”. Funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh.

.    2019-2020, Principal Investigator, the project entitled “Determination of total carotenoid, antioxidant capacity & vitamin-C content of mango (Magnifera Indica) at its different stages (green, semi ripe, ripe & processed)”. Funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh.

.     2019-2020, Principal Investigator, the project entitled “Formulation and Quality evaluation of dispersible tablet from bioactive rich mango powder”. Funded by project of University Grants Commission (Bangladesh).

.   2020-2021, Principal Investigator, the project entitled “Bioactive-rich mango powder development by different drying techniques and its bioactive compounds characterization. Funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh.

. 2021-2022, Principal Investigator “Formulation impact on bioactive properties of dispersible mango tabletFunded by Ministry of Science and Technology (Special Allocation), Bangladesh.

.2021-2022, Principal Investigator, the project entitled “Effect of different pre-treatments on raisins processing and its quality characterization” Funded by CVASU supported project of University Grants Commission (Bangladesh).

. 2022-2023, Principal Investigator “Development of edible biopolymer from Aloe vera and its antimicrobial and Phyto-biochemical analysis”. Funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh (Special Allocation).

. 2022-2023, Principal Investigator “Development of a non-caffeinated Coffee from Date Palm Seeds (Phoenix Dactylifera L.) and its Phyto-biochemical analysis”, Funded by CVASU supported project of University Grants Commission (Bangladesh).  

. 2022-2023, Principal Investigator “Extraction of passion fruits’ seed oil and characterization of its fatty acid Profile”, Funded by CVASU supported project of University Grants Commission (Bangladesh).





  PG (MS)
SL No. Student Name Roll No. Reg No. Session Degree Supervisor
1. Md. Rihan Arefin (M.S. Food Processing and Engineering) 01-21/02 999 PG (MS) CoI

Thesis Title :
Effects of Spice and Herbs Extracts on the Thermal And Storage Stability of Mustard Oil
Thesis Title : Effects of Spice and Herbs Extracts on the Thermal And Storage Stability of Mustard Oil
2. Mahmudul Islam shoishob (M.S. in Food Chemistry & Quality Assurance) 02-22/19 1179 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Flavour Extraction and Product Development from Extracted Rose Petals (Rosa Rubiginosa) and Its Nutritional Evaluation
Thesis Title : Flavour Extraction and Product Development from Extracted Rose Petals (Rosa Rubiginosa) and Its Nutritional Evaluation
3. Arpita Chowdhury (M.S. Food Processing and Engineering) 02-22/01 1206 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Valorization of Papaya Waste: Encapsulation of Bioactive Compounds for Better Yogurt Functionalization
Thesis Title : Valorization of Papaya Waste: Encapsulation of Bioactive Compounds for Better Yogurt Functionalization
4. Sultana Jannat Pomy (M.S. Applied Human Nutrition and Dietetics) 0121/15 997 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Physicochemical, Bioactive & Antimicrobial Property Analysis of Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) Seed and Husk and its Flavor Extracted by Different Extracted Methods
Thesis Title : Physicochemical, Bioactive & Antimicrobial Property Analysis of Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) Seed and Husk and its Flavor Extracted by Different Extracted Methods
5. Tahiya Tahsin (M.S. Applied Human Nutrition and Dietetics) 0121/14 996 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Nutritional, Physicochemical and Phytochemical Analysis of Passiflora Edulis and Fatty Acid Analysis of its Extracted Seed Oil
Thesis Title : Nutritional, Physicochemical and Phytochemical Analysis of Passiflora Edulis and Fatty Acid Analysis of its Extracted Seed Oil
6. Md. Tarekul Islam (M.S. Applied Human Nutrition and Dietetics) 0121/09 991 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Determination of Nutritional Composition of Potential Red Seaweed (Porphyra umbilicalis)
Thesis Title : Determination of Nutritional Composition of Potential Red Seaweed (Porphyra umbilicalis)
7. Eka Mazumder (M.S. Food Processing and Engineering) 0121/04 1001 PG (MS) CoI

Thesis Title :
Impact of Hop-Plum Peel on The Bioactive and Organoleptic Properties of Wheat Noodles
Thesis Title : Impact of Hop-Plum Peel on The Bioactive and Organoleptic Properties of Wheat Noodles
8. Bintu Banik (M.S. Food Processing and Engineering) 01-21/03 1000 PG (MS) CoI

Thesis Title :
Comparison of Bioactive Compounds in Thermally Processed Juices from Various Pineapple Cultivars
Thesis Title : Comparison of Bioactive Compounds in Thermally Processed Juices from Various Pineapple Cultivars
9. Al-Mahamud Ibne Jamal (M.S. Food Processing and Engineering) 01-21/01 998 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Comparative Study on Phytochemical Properties of Beetroot and Developed Beetroot Jelly
Thesis Title : Comparative Study on Phytochemical Properties of Beetroot and Developed Beetroot Jelly
10. Arpan Mitra Chowdhury M.S. in Public Health 0120/21 903 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
A Study on The Presence of Microplastic in Commercial Salt and Raw Sea Salt from Banskhali and Kutubdia region, Bangladesh
Thesis Title : A Study on The Presence of Microplastic in Commercial Salt and Raw Sea Salt from Banskhali and Kutubdia region, Bangladesh
11. Sowmik Roy Rathi (M.S. Applied Human Nutrition and Dietetics) 0120/04 833 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Development of a Non-Caffinated Coffee from Date Palm Seeds (Phoenix dactylifera L.) and its Bioactive Profile Characterization
Thesis Title : Development of a Non-Caffinated Coffee from Date Palm Seeds (Phoenix dactylifera L.) and its Bioactive Profile Characterization
12. Chaiti Dutta (M.S. Food Processing and Engineering) 01-19/03 688 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Antimicrobial and Phyto-biochemical analysis of Aloe vera and Development of edible biopolymer.
Thesis Title : Antimicrobial and Phyto-biochemical analysis of Aloe vera and Development of edible biopolymer.
13. Md. Arif Uddin (M.S. Food Processing and Engineering) 01-19/02 678 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Proximate, Minerals and Bioactive Compounds Evaluation of Papaya powders as affected by its different stages (Green, Semi Ripe and Ripe).
Thesis Title : Proximate, Minerals and Bioactive Compounds Evaluation of Papaya powders as affected by its different stages (Green, Semi Ripe and Ripe).
14. Md. Rahim Badsha (M.S. Food Processing and Engineering) 01-18/01 571 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Formulation and quality evaluation of instant mango drinks powder.
Thesis Title : Formulation and quality evaluation of instant mango drinks powder.
15. Muhammad Shamsul Arefin (M.S. Applied Human Nutrition and Dietetics) 0117/25 445 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Effect of Different Processing and Preservation Methods on the Quality of Labeo rohita Fish in Bangladesh
Thesis Title : Effect of Different Processing and Preservation Methods on the Quality of Labeo rohita Fish in Bangladesh
16. Morsheda Begum (M.S. Applied Human Nutrition and Dietetics) 0117/23 443 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Comparative Analysis of Nutritive Value of Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) Flesh and Jackfruit Chips
Thesis Title : Comparative Analysis of Nutritive Value of Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) Flesh and Jackfruit Chips
17. Sathi Das (M.S. Food Processing and Engineering) 01-17/06 453 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Processing and Preservation of Powder and Paste form Different Spices
Thesis Title : Processing and Preservation of Powder and Paste form Different Spices
18. Meher Nahid (M.S. Food Processing and Engineering ) 01-17/05 452 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Acrylamide Quantitation of Locally Available Potato Chips in Chattogram & Development of a Potato Chips Manufacturing Procedure to Reduce Acryl amide Level
Thesis Title : Acrylamide Quantitation of Locally Available Potato Chips in Chattogram & Development of a Potato Chips Manufacturing Procedure to Reduce Acryl amide Level
19. Sunzida Akhter (M.S. Food Processing and Engineering) 01-17/02 449 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Variability Assessment of Different Treatment Effect on Antioxidant Capacity, Total Carotenoid & Ascorbic Acid Content of Three Mango (Magnifera indica L.) Cultivars
Thesis Title : Variability Assessment of Different Treatment Effect on Antioxidant Capacity, Total Carotenoid & Ascorbic Acid Content of Three Mango (Magnifera indica L.) Cultivars
20. Farhana Sultana (M.S. Food Processing and Engineering) 01-17/01 448 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
A Study on Effect of Frozen Storage, light and Heating Temperature on stability of anthocyanin of natural color extracted from promegranate (Punica granatum L.) Peel.
Thesis Title : A Study on Effect of Frozen Storage, light and Heating Temperature on stability of anthocyanin of natural color extracted from promegranate (Punica granatum L.) Peel.
21. Monisha Basak (M.S. Food Processing and Engineering) 01-16/05 355 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Development of Mixed Fruit Leather & its Nutritional Quality Evaluation.
Thesis Title : Development of Mixed Fruit Leather & its Nutritional Quality Evaluation.
22. Tanbin Sultana (M.S. Food Processing and Engineering) 01-16/04 354 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Quality Comparison and Acceptability of Fruit Yoghurt with Different Fruit Juices.
Thesis Title : Quality Comparison and Acceptability of Fruit Yoghurt with Different Fruit Juices.
23. Md. Jamshed Alam (M.S. Food Processing and Engineering) 01-16/02 352 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Assessment of Extraction Process Degradation Kinetics of Anthocyanin from Eggplant (Solanum Melongena) Peel and its Use for Making of Guava Jelly.
Thesis Title : Assessment of Extraction Process Degradation Kinetics of Anthocyanin from Eggplant (Solanum Melongena) Peel and its Use for Making of Guava Jelly.
24. Nazmul Sarowar (M.S. Food Processing and Engineering) 01-16/01 351 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Effect of different processing and preservation methods on quality of Tenualosa ilisha fish in Bangladesh.
Thesis Title : Effect of different processing and preservation methods on quality of Tenualosa ilisha fish in Bangladesh.
25. Nilufa Yeasmin (M.S. Food Processing and Engineering) 01-15/06 277 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Assessment of heavy metal concentration in poultry egg and meal samples collected from Chittagong city
Thesis Title : Assessment of heavy metal concentration in poultry egg and meal samples collected from Chittagong city
26. Abdul Matin (M.S. Food Processing and Engineering) 01-15/05 276 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Comparative study on quality (Nutritive, Physico-chemical and microbial) of prepared and commercial malted milk hot drinks in Bangladesh.
Thesis Title : Comparative study on quality (Nutritive, Physico-chemical and microbial) of prepared and commercial malted milk hot drinks in Bangladesh.
27. Humaira Khanam (M.S. Food Processing and Engineering) 01-15/02 273 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Comparative Study on Physicochemical & Microbial Properties of Different Formulated Natural Papaya Fruit Juice.
Thesis Title : Comparative Study on Physicochemical & Microbial Properties of Different Formulated Natural Papaya Fruit Juice.
