



Research Portfolio

Dr. Sohel Rana
Department of Agricultural Economics and Social Science
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine


Research interests: Agricultural Extension, Regional Planning and Rural Development, Disaster Risk Management, Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation.  


•   Professor in Department of Agricultural Economics and Social Sciences, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University from Oct. 20, 2023 to Present
•   Associate Professor in Department of Agricultural Economics and Social Sciences, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University from Oct. 20, 2019 to Oct. 19, 2023
•   Assisstant Professor in Department of Agricultural Economics and Social Sciences, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University from March 2, 2014 to Oct. 19, 2019
•   Lecturer in Department of Agricultural Economics and Social Sciences, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University from Oct. 20, 2011 to March 1, 2014

•   Research Assisstant (IFAD-PKSF funded research project, Need Assessment on Veterinary Services: Availability and Cost of Animal Health Services in MFTS Project Areas) in Dept. of Agricultural Extension Education, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh Agricultural University from Nov. 1, 2009 to Oct. 31, 2010
•   Research Fellow (FAO funded research project, Ultra Poor Households’ Flood Coping Strategies towards Food Security in Two Flood Prone Regions) in Dept. of Agricultural Extension Education, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangaldesh Agricultural University from Nov. 1, 2008 to Oct. 31, 2009

Teaching : Current Courses

Course Name Course Code Department
Agricultural Extension (Practical) AEX-402 (P) Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Agricultural Extension (Theory) AEX-402 (T) Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Extension Communication Management (Practical) ECM-401 (P) Faculty of Food Science and Technology
Extension Communication Management (Theory) ECM-401 (T) Faculty of Food Science and Technology
Fisheries Extension (Practical) FEX-401 (P) Faculty of Fisheries
Fisheries Extension (Theory) FEX-401 (T) Faculty of Fisheries

Course Name Course Code Department
Economics of Agricultural Development EAD-601 Department of Agricultural Economics and Social Science
Marketing Research MAR-601 Department of Agricultural Economics and Social Science
Project Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation PME-602 Department of Agricultural Economics and Social Science



Cell Phone:   (+88) 01718270997

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Educational Qualifications

2022: PhD in Agriculture (Major: Life and Food Sciences), Niigata University, Japan.

2010: MS in Agricultural Extension Education, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh. 

2008: Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (Honours), Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh. 

Trainings Received
1) Professional Training on Disaster Management, Dept. of Agricultural Extension Education, Bangladesh Agricultural University (Financed by CDMP-MoFDM), 24-28 October 2009.
2) Foundation Training for University Teachers, Graduate Training Institute, Bangladesh Agricultural University (Sponsored by University Grants Commission of Bangladesh), 12 May to 10 June 2013.


Acedemic Awards

1. Monbu-kagakusho (MEXT) scholarship to pursue PhD study at Niigata University, Niigata, Japan by the Japanese Government. 

2. Niigata University President's award (2020). 

3. Outstanding Presentation Award [Title: Disaster risk management (DRM) in a haor area of Bangladesh: focusing on the household level. The 56th Annual Meeting of the Japan Section of the Regional Science Association International, 13-15 September 2019, Kurume University, Kurume city, Japan].

4. Fellowship awarded from Comprehensive Disaster Management Program (CDMP) for conducting Masters study at Bangladesh Agricultural University.


1. Bangladesh Agricultural Extension Society (BAES)

2.  The Regional Science Association International (RSAI)

3. Japanese Universities Alumni Association in Bangladesh (JUAAB)



  1. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Elsevier Journal 
  2. Discover Agriculture, Springer Nature Journal 
  3. Cogent Food & Agriculture, Tylor & Francis Journal 
  4. Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, CVASU Journal 





  1. Sohel Rana, Lily Kiminami and Shinichi Furuzawa. 2022. Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation for Sustainability: Focusing on A Haor Region of Bangladesh. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.


  1. Rana, S., M.A. Halim, M. Mohiuddin, M.S. Rahman, and MM Rana. 2024. Role of Farmer Information and Advice Center in Providing Extension Services to Smallholder Farmers:  Lessons from Bangladesh. Agricultural & Rural Studies, 2(1):1-13. 
  2. Rana, MM., S. Rana, H. Rahaman and M. Rahaman. 2023. A Systematic Review on Impact of Covid-19 on Agricultural Productivity, Food Security and Rural Livelihoods in Bangladesh. Agribusiness Management in Developing Nations, 1(1):6-12. 
  3. Rana, S. and A. Rahman. 2023. Community-Based Disaster Risk Management: A Good Practice of Rural Bangladesh. Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics and Sociology, 41(9):808-818. 
  4. Rana, S., A. Rahman and S.M.M.A. Dipu. 2022. Analysis on Industry Cluster for Regional Development in a Haor Region of Bangladesh: A Location Quotient Analysis. Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 10(2):51-56.
  5. M. C. Sumy, C. Nath, G. Miah, H. Khanom, S. Rana and AMAM Z. Siddiki. 2022. Constraints and economic impacts of COVID-19 on dairy farming in Chattogram, Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 10(2):57-67.
  6. Rana, S., L. Kiminami and S. Furuzawa. 2022. Role of Entrepreneurship in Regional Development in the Haor Region of Bangladesh: A Trajectory Equifinality Model Analysis of Local Entrepreneurs. Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science, 6:931-960.
  7. Rana, S., L. Kiminami and S. Furuzawa. 2021. Social Innovation for Women's Empowerment in Disaster Risk Governance: Focusing on Common Interest Group in a Haor Region of Bangladesh. Studies in Regional Science, 51(1):145-155. 
  8. Rana, S., L. Kiminami and S. Furuzawa. 2020. Analysis on the Factors Affecting Farmers' Performance in Disaster Risk Management at Community Level: Focusing on a Haor Locality in Bangladesh. Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science, 4(3):737-757. 
  9. Afrad, MSI., S. Yeasmin, M.E. Haque, N. Sultana, A.A. Barau and S. Rana. 2019. Fish Biodiversity and Livelihood Status of Fishermen Living Around the Titas River of Bangladesh. Journal of Bio-Science, 27: 59-67.
  10. Rana, S., M. Rahman and S.M.M.A. Dipu. 2018. Farmers’ Perception to Agricultural Information and Communication Centre. Bangladesh Journal of Extension Education, 30(1):73-81.
  11. Rana, S. 2017. Awareness of Farmers about Information and Communication Technology Based Agricultural Extension Services in some Selected Areas of Chittagong District. Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 5 (1): 56-59.
  12. Rana, S., M.H. Hasan, M.S. Alam and M.S. Islam. 2017. Farmer Attitude towards Organic Vegetable Cultivation in Rangunia Upazila, Chittagong, Bangladesh. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 14(1):1151-1156.
  13. Rahman, M.H. and S. Rana. 2016. Need Assessment of Veterinary Services in Some Selected Rural Areas of Bangladesh. Indian Journal of Applied Research, 6(3):341-343.
  14. Kamruzzaman, M., M.A. Islam, S. Rana and M. Rashid. 2015. Survival Strategies of Female Workers: A Study in a Tea Garden of Bangladesh. Universal Journal of Agricultural Research, 3(5):150-154.
  15. Rana, S. and M.H. Rahman. 2014. Animal Health Services: Extent of Availability in Some Selected Rural Areas of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 12(2):173-177.
  16. Imtiaz, M.A. and S. Rana. 2014. Problems Faced by The Small Scale Dairy Owners in Receiving Veterinary Services in Selected Areas of Chittagong. Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 12(1):63-65.
  17. Rahman, M.H. and S. Rana. 2013. Farmer’s Constraints in Receiving Animal Health Services in Rural Areas of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 2:20-26.
  18. Rahman, M.H. and S. Rana. 2013. Credibility of Animal Health Service Providers in Some Selected Areas of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Extension Education, 25(1&2):79-84.
  19. Halim, M.A., S. Rana., J.U. Ahmed., T. Imam., N. Akter., and J. Begum. 2012. Economic Analysis of Goat Rearing Under Moderate and Ultra Poor Household Level in Rural Areas of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Progressive Science & Technology, 10(1):105-108.
  20. Rana, S., M.N. Islam and M.H. Rahman. 2010. Disaster Management Ability of Farmers in a Selected Haor Area of Kishoreganj District. Journal of Environmental Science & Natural Resources, 3(1):157-161.
  21. Rahman, M.H., F. Khatun, A.H. Munna and S. Rana. 2010. Food Security Strategies Followed by the Ultra Poor Households in Two Flood Prone Areas of Bangladesh. Journal of Environmental Science & Natural Resource, 3(1): 7-10.
  22. Rana, S., M.H. Rahman and M.N. Islam. 2009. Food Security Strategies Followed by the Farmers of a Disaster Prone Haor Area of Kishoreganj District. Bangladesh Journal of Extension Education, 21(1&2):133-140.

Presentation at International Conferences: 

  1. Sohel Rana, Lily Kiminami, Shinichi Furuzawa, (2019) Disaster risk management (DRM) in a haor area of Bangladesh: focusing on the household level. The 56th Annual Meeting of the Japan Section of the Regional Science Association International, 13-15 September 2019, Kurume University, Kurume city, Japan [Oral Presentation].
  2. Sohel Rana, Lily Kiminami, Shinichi Furuzawa, (2020) Social Innovation for Women’s Empowerment in Disaster Risk Governance: Focusing on CIG in a Haor Region of Bangladesh. The 57th Annual Meeting of the Japan Section of the Regional Science Association International, 12-13 December 2020, Toyo University, Japan [Oral Presentation]. 
  3. Sohel Rana, Lily Kiminami, Shinichi Furuzawa, (2021) Development of Entrepreneurship for the Sustainable Regional Development in a Haor Region of Bangladesh: A Trajectory Equifinality Model Analysis on Local Entrepreneurs. The 17th PRSCO Summer Institute, 11-13 August 2021, RMIT University, Vietnam [Oral Presentation].
  4. Sohel Rana, Lily Kiminami, Shinichi Furuzawa, (2021) Socio-cultural Changes through Entrepreneurship towards Sustainable Regional Development: Case Studies from A Haor Region of Bangladesh. The 7th International Symposium on Strategies for Sustainability in Food Production, Agriculture and the Environment, 2-3 December 2021, Niigata University, Japan [Oral Presentation].
  5. Sohel Rana, Lily Kiminami, Shinichi Furuzawa, (2022) Role of Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation for Regional Development in the Rural Haor Region of Bangladesh. The 27th Pacific Conference of the RSAI 2022, PRSCO 2022, 1-4 August 2022, Kyoto, Japan [Oral Presentation].
  6. Sohel Rana (2024) Farmers Information and Advice Centre (FIAC): Social Innovations in Transforming Agricultural Extension Services in Bangladesh. International conference on innovative education, research and extension approaches for transmitting scientific know-how to augment livestock production in the contemporary scenario. Organized by: VCRI, Tamil Nadu, India & SVAHE, 10-12 July 2024 [Oral Presentation].


Project Completed

1. Farmers’ perception to agricultural information and communication centre: An initiative of government of Bangladesh. Funded by University Grants Commission of Bangladesh (UGC), from June 2016 to May 2017. Role in the project: Principal Investigator. 

2. Adoption of information and communication technology (ICT) based agricultural extension services by the farmers of some selected areas of Chittagong district. Funded by UGC-CVASU, from July 2015 to June 2016. Role in the project: Principal Investigator. 

3. A novel approach for sustaining and strengthening the physical virtual facilities of CVASU. Funded by HEQEP (World Bank and UGC), from May 2017 to September 2018. Role in the project: Deputy Sub-Project Manager (DSPM).

4. Farmers' Information and Advice Centre (FIAC): Rural Innovations in Transforming Agricultural Extension Services in Bangladesh. Funded by UGC-CVASU, from July 2022 to June 2023. Role in the project: Principal Investigator.  

